Whenever you perform a Record Search, or when viewing a Rollup List, your results will appear in a Grid.

  • The field name is displayed at the top of the column.
  • Each row represents one record. These rows are numbered.
  • Additional details may be viewed by scrolling horizontally.*
  • Additional records may be viewed by scrolling vertically. Grids use endless scroll, so that the first results are loaded immediately and subsequent records are loaded as you scroll down.*
  • The total count of results in the grid will be indicated at the lower right corner of the screen.

* If your mouse has a scroll wheel, clicking it may give you the option to drag on both axes at once.

Frozen Columns #

Some Columns will remain visible when scrolling left/right. These Columns are ‘frozen’ so that they are accessible at all times.

The leftmost column contains Selection Checkboxes. These are used for selecting multiple records for interaction. The checkbox at the top of the column will Select a specific number or all records at once.

The second column from the left contains a circular Record Icon, displaying either a Position/Company icon or the First/Last Initials of a Name. If a photograph or logo is present on the record, it will be displayed instead. Clicking this icon will open the fly-in panel showing the Details of that record.

At the right are two frozen columns:

  • The Pencil will unlock that record for editing. After clicking the pencil, click any cell in that row to edit the contents and then click the Save icon to store the update.
  • The Menu icon (three dots) presents a list of actions which can be taken on the selected record.

Editing Grid Views #

The Sort by button at the top of Record Search grids will adjust the order in which records in the grid appear.

The columns within most grids can be altered to suit your key data points for specific tasks and to maximize your available screen space.

To edit your grid view, click the Pencil icon next to the View Options dropdown at the top left corner of the grid. In the Edit Grid dialog:

  • Use Add Column to select any field from the currently active record type and click Add to place it into the Reorder Columns list below.
  • Drag fields up or down within the Reorder Columns list to change their placement. Higher items in this list appear further to the left in the grid.
  • Within any row of the Reorder Columns list, click the pencil icon to:
    • Change which field is displayed.
    • Set the field’s default width.
    • Freeze the column so that it does not leave the screen when scrolling horizontally. When this box is checked, you will also have the option to freeze the column at the right or left side of the grid.
  • Within any row of the Reorder Columns list, click the snowflake icon to freeze the column so that it does not leave the screen when scrolling horizontally.
  • Within any row of the Reorder Columns list, click the trash icon to remove that field from the columns.

After making your desired alterations, you may choose to:

  • Apply Without Saving: Alters the columns temporarily — they will return to the saved layout when you leave and return to the screen.
  • Apply and Save: Stores the column changes into the current layout for future use.

Selecting Records #

Click the checkbox to the left of each record to select the record. Click the checkbox again to deselect it.

Click the checkbox at the top left of the grid to view the bulk selection options:

  • Select a specific range of records by adding the desired row numbers to the “from” and “to” fields. Then click the “Apply Range” button to apply your selection. Note: Selections cannot be greater than 1000 records.
  • Select All Records (Not available if more than 1000 records exist in the list)
  • Clear Selection