Working inside of Rollup Lists

Accessing a Rollup List #

  1. Go to Rollups from the System Menu on the left side of the PCR Screen
  2. Locate the Rollup List you would like to open and click on the Rollup Icon in the front of same row

Records Tab #

The Records tab displays the current records that have been added to the Rollup List, including their Record Name, Activity, Last Activity, Last Activity Date, Sequence, and the Date Added. The Records Tab also contains an Actions menu for each record. The actions available vary between the type of record the Action menu is selected from.

Filtering Records #

  • Names, Companies and Positions are all stored together inside of the same list and can easily be filtered down to a particular type. Using the Name, Company, and/or Position buttons, you can choose what types of records you would like to display
  • Using the Record Name Search field, you can search for a specific record on the list, based on the name of the record
  • You can filter by Activity Type using the Activity Type filter. This will display records who’s most recent Activity matches that of your search
  • You can paired the Activity Type Filter with the Activity Date Range to show records who have had this most recent Activity occur within a certain time period
  • Using Sort by, you can sort your records by certain fields to display in either descending or ascending order

Sequence #

This column will display what Sequence Branch and Sequence Step a name record is in (if the rollup is linked to a Sequence). When clicking on this information, you will see a preview box that includes:

  • The name of the Sequence
  • The current Branch
  • The current Step
  • A preview of the Sequence Map
  • At the top right, there is an Expand Candidate Task button. This will open the task pane for you to complete the Current Task right from the rollup list.

Bulk Actions #

You can select Records inside of the Rollup List to perform certain bulk actions. It’s important to note that certain actions are only available when selecting certain records. Ex: If you select a Company Record and a Name Record, the Bulk Actions displayed at the bottom will change due to the available actions not all being applicable.

  • Email: Use this action to send a Form Letter to all selected Name Records
  • Linked to Position: Using this action to link selected Name Records to a Position Record
  • Change Company: Use this action to change the associated Company Record of all Name Records selected.
  • Create Presentation: Use this action to create a Presentation using the Name Records that are currently selected
  • Remove from Rollup: Use this action to Remove all selected records from the Rollup List
  • Copy to Rollup: Use this action to Copy all selected records to another Rollup List
  • Move to Rollup: Use this action to move all selected records from the current Rollup List to another. This removes them from the current list
  • Delete Records: Use this action to delete all current selected records