Use this tool to mass change information in a custom field on a record.

How to do a Global Change #

Use this function with strong caution. Changes made cannot be undone. Only a billable database restore from the previous day of the change can undo some mistakes.

  1. Click Global Change in the System tab.
  2. Select Change Names, Companies or Positions.
  3. Click the Custom charm in the upper left corner of the window.
  4. Select the appropriate Global Change Mode from the dropdown at the top. Below will be a description of how each works
  5. Go to the Field Name dropdown and select the field in which to change.
  6. Select the dropdown to the right of the Limit to Rollup field to select a Rollup to limit the changes being made. Otherwise this will apply to the entire database.
  7. Type what you want to change in the New Value field.
  8. In some modes (options 3 and 5 from the list below) you will be asked to type an existing value in the Current Field Value box to work as an identifier for your Global Change. This value must be spelled exactly as it appears in the field on records.
  9. After checking all of your settings click Apply at the bottom of the window. An update window with a progress bar will confirm that your changes have been made.

Global Change Modes #

  • Replace All Values: This mode will delete all values in the custom field and replace it with the new value that you type in.
  • Modify Only Empty Fields: This mode will only update records with the new value IF the custom field is empty.
  • Modify Only Records With Specific Value: This mode will remove all values in a custom field that you type in the Current Field Value box and replace it with what you type in the New Value box.
  • Add New Value to Existing Values: This mode will allow you to add a new value to a custom field if it is not already selected for that record.
  • Add New Value to Existing Values for Records with Specific Values: This mode will allow you to add a new value to a custom field for records that already have a current value of your choosing.