Mass Change Data for a Field #

Use this tool to mass change information stored in a field on Company, Name, or Position records. Use this with strong caution. Changes made cannot be undone. Only a restored database backup (billable), from the previous day, can undo any mistakes made.
  1. Click the System icon on the Main Toolbar.
  2. Click Global Change.
  3. Click Change Companies, Change Names, or Change Position.
  4. Predefined field types will be selected by default
  5. Select the Field Name from the dropdown list
  6. Optional but strongly suggested: Limit to a Rollup (Note: If you skip this step, your entire database will be modified accordingly)
  7. Enter a New Value for the selected field.
  8. Optional: Enter an Original Value.
    • Only records with a matching Original Value would be updated to the New Value
    • This value must be spelled exactly as it appears in the field on records.
  9. If your fields currently contain information, select Modify Only Empty Fields
  10. After checking all of your settings click Apply at the bottom of the window. An update window with a progress bar will confirm that your changes have been made.

Change a Custom Field Name #

Use this tool to change the name of a Custom Field.
  1. Click the System icon on the Main Toolbar.
  2. Click Global Change.
  3. Click Change a Custom Field Name.
  4. Select Field Type (Company, Name, or Position).
  5. Enter the Current Field Name (this is case sensitive).
  6. Enter the New Field Name.
  7. Click Apply.

Copy a Predefined Field to a Custom Field #

Use this tool to mass copy information currently stored in a Predefined field to a Custom field.
  1. Click the System icon on the Main Toolbar.
  2. Click Global Change.
  3. Click Copy Predefined to Custom Field.
  4. Select a Global Change Mode.
  5. Select Record Type.
  6. Optional: Limit to Rollup.
  7. Select the Predefined Field to copy from.
  8. Select the Custom Field to copy to.
  9. Click Apply.

Copy a Custom Field to a Custom Field #

Use this tool to mass copy information currently stored in one Custom field to another Custom field.
  1. Click the System icon on the Main Toolbar.
  2. Click Global Change.
  3. Click Copy Custom to Custom Field.
  4. Select a Global Change Mode.
  5. Select Record Type.
  6. Optional: Limit to Rollup.
  7. Select the Custom Field to copy from.
  8. Select the Custom Field to copy to.
  9. Click Apply.

Mass Move Names to a Different Company #

Use this tool to mass change all names on a Rollup to a Company. A Rollup is required.
  1. Open a rollup containing all names to be moved to the company.
  2. Select all records.
  3. Click the Change Company action button within the Rollup.
  4. Find the company using the Select Company dropdown.
  5. Click Change.

Mass Delete Records #

Use this tool to mass delete Company, Name, or Position records from the database. A Rollup is required.
  1. Open a rollup containing the records to be deleted.
  2. Select all records.
  3. Click the Delete Records action button within the Rollup.
  4. Click Delete.