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Encryption Security

The Encryption Security panel governs which users are allowed to view Custom Fields and Profile Answers which have been stored in Encrypted form, either by direct selection, or by auto-recognition of formats such as US Social Security Number (xxx-xx-xxxx).

Configuring IP & User Access #

  1. Choose Settings from the main menu.
  2. Open Database Maintenance
  3. Open Encryption Security

The large input box should contain a list of all IP addresses from which users may access the secured field data. An entire subnet may be whitelisted by appending /24 (e.g.

The checklist of users indicates which user accounts, if accessing PCRecruiter via one of the allowed IPs, should be allowed to view the encrypted information.

If your IP is not on this list, permission will be denied regardless of system administrator status. Be sure to add your own IP to your IP address list. ( Leave this field blank for no IP checking.

Viewing Encrypted Fields #

When a user encounters any field that has been encrypted, the field will appear as a row of asterisks accompanied by a padlock icon. Clicking on the padlock will display the unencrypted data for 10 seconds before automatically hiding it again.

Data in Encrypted fields cannot be exported or reported on with standard tools. Contact a PCRecruiter representative for assistance.