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Job Board

Overview #

The PCRecruiter Job Board is the portion of the PCRecruiter hosted platform which is made visible to candidates and jobseekers either by directly linking to it or, more commonly, by using an ‘iframe’ (inline frame) and accompanying JavaScript to insert into a page on a website. It is through this portal that job data is made visible to the public where candidates who apply are entered into the system and attached to the appropriate position pipelines. The job board must be configured by a PCRecruiter Web Developer and your onboarding trainer will send you a form to fill out to select your desired configuration. If you are interested in getting this set up please reach out to your account manager or the support team.

Configuration Options #

In addition to matching the styling from your website the following are other items that can be adjusted to fit your needs:

  • The job data fields to appear in the main list and job detail pages.
  • The candidate data fields to be collected upon submission.
  • The number of jobs per page of results and results sorting order.
  • The options available for searching.
  • Introduction and thank you text, as well as automated email responses to new applicants.
  • Whether searching is required before viewing jobs.
  • Whether EEOC data collection is required.
  • Whether passive candidates are allowed (i.e. collection of candidate info without linking to a specific role).

These items will be discussed during the training and configuration process. Our current stock job board templates can be previewed by clicking the link below.

Templates and Examples #

Please view the job board templates link as a reference for the questions in this form. The templates are starting points that put basic formatting in place which our team will later adjust to match the style of your site. Please reach out to our support team for more details.

The following recommendations can help you to choose which template will best suit your needs:

  • The ‘table’ based layouts (Leo, Austin, River) can accommodate a lot of jobs with several data points for each in a familiar layout.
  • The ‘list’ style (Marisa, Emma) works better when there are fewer jobs or more limited space.
  • Grids (Benny, Sarah) tend to suit fewer jobs due to the large amount of space each job takes up.

Note: PCR’s plain-text “Web Notes” field can be included as a preview blurb or summary (as shown in the Benny and Marisa templates.) This summary text is manually entered and will not be shown if incomplete.