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EEO Reports

EEO-1 Employer Information (Applicant) #

Generated based on name records who have applied to a position. A user can generate this report byInterview Appointment Date Range, Name Rollup List or Interview Type. Additional filters can be selected to Include Blank EEO Data, Count Multiple Applicants More than Once or Include Only Candidates Linked to a Position. The generated report provides the gender and race distributions for each EEO job category.

EEO-1 Employer Information (Employee) #

Generated based on candidates who have been placed, a user can generate this report by Placement Date Range or Name Rollup List. The generated report provides the gender and race distributions for each EEO job category.

EEO Source Report #

Users can generate the report based on Interview Appointment Date Range, Position Rollup List, All Positions, or Only Filled Positions. The generated report provides the Job Title, Position Id, Position Status. The Recruitment Source, Contact, Address, Phone, and Number Referred, total Number of Interviewees Referred, and Position Filled Date are provided for each position included in the report. The end of the report provides totals for the number of interviewees and placements, plus provides distributions for each source.

EEO Data Report #

Users can generate the report  based on Position Posted Date, Position Rollup List, All Positions, or Only Filled Positions. The generated report provides the Race, Gender and Source distributions for each position. Totals for each distribution are provided at the end of the report.

Applicant Flow Report #

Users can generate the report based on the Interview Arranged Date or Position Rollup List. The generated report provides the Candidate’s Name, Appointment Date and Time of first Interview record, Current Interview Status, Category, Race, Gender, Source, Last Interview Type, and Offer Made. Codes are used to represent data; therefore, the description for each code is provided at the end of the report.

OFCCP Internet Applicant Search Activity Report #

This report is based on OFCCP searches ran from the OFCCP Search option in the pipeline. Users can generate the report based on Position Rollup, OFCCP Search Date, OFCCP Search User Name, Company Name, Job Title, Position ID, and/or Job Status. The resulting report includes the Job Title, Position ID, Position EEO Job Category, Company Name, Contact Name, Search Date, Search Conducted by User Name, Searched Keywords, Searched Database Fields, Candidate Name, Appointment Date, Current Appointment Date, Current Stage (Interview Type), Current Status, EEO Race, EEO Gender and EEO Source.

Names Missing EEO Data Report #

This report is used to pull Name Records who are missing various piece of EEO Data such as Race, Gender, Veteran Status etc. This report will display the Name of the Candidate, current Company, and all EEO Fields with missing data.